Much has happened since my last post here. Work has been...well, work is work after all; all I intend to say is this - unjustifiable increase in intensity leads to a farewell...beckoning on the horizon.
Anyway, remember the girl I mentioned in my post on October 4th? Things between us have taken off in leaps and bounds. There is comfort, humour, laughter and what I find refreshing almost, which we don't seem to acknowledge (and don't need to), is the unspoken underlying mutual respect and appreciation we have for each other as individuals. Of course respect is a given, and everyone talks about mutual respect, etc, but few actually live up to this notion. Nonetheless, I believe having respect for and showing appreciation towards your partner for who he/she is are two pivotal keystones for a lasting and fulfilling relationship. And this I believe - my partner and I - have in abundance.
We've not known each other for very long, let alone being a couple. In fact I've been told that everything I'm experiencing right now is what one would call "new-relationship-adrenaline". I must admit it is aptly coined! Its like buying a new car, a new house or even a new gadget. We're excited, fascinated by it, eager, curious and at times can't get enough of it. Once the novelty of it all fades away, the adrenaline follows in tandem. The challenge here is to keep discovering each other, continue re-inventing ways and means to enjoy time together and each other, to have a perpetually open and connected communication line, to uphold and maintain mutual respect and to put in effort to look good for each other. I strongly believe that as long as my partner and I (it
must be a mutual endeavour) and all those who are in relationships can work towards these goals, the relationship will last. More importantly, I believe these efforts will keep the "adrenaline" pumping. For the record, my observations stem from personal experiences, readings and movies (yes, movies are oftentimes excellent portrayals of life and relationships).
Having said the above, which to me is the
modus operandi of a relationship, the first steps to having and building a lasting relationship are the beginning and the end. What am I talking about? Well, the beginning is when you initially get to know your partner. This is where you establish common ground - principles, values, intellectual compatibility, thought-process. The end is simple, although easier said than done - having a common goal, a common destination.
I believe I've found someone who I think is simply amazing and I can't get enough of her. She's cute, smart, sexy and all in between. I love her smile and I get lost in her eyes. I admire her independence and her love and loyalty for her family. In a nutshell, I know she's worth it!
Putting everything into perspective, I'm just taking it a day at a time. All I've mentioned above, they're actually not meant to be spoken. They are my thoughts and my feelings, things that go on in my mind and heart, but somehow, there is a need for a release, and writing to me is very liberating...the sole reason for my blog.