Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The right path...

Its a difficult world we live in, with many uncertainties and what ifs to consider. Its easier living the moment and not trying to forecast the future, but fortune-telling happens to the best of us, even for those steadfast carpe diem-type individuals. There will always be experiences or situations or scenarios which will question our beliefs, our principals, or even our sheer determination. Most of the time its just a small nudge, and we may get pushed off path but in no time we're back on track and raring to go again. But sometimes we get shoved off track and getting back on the initial path takes considerable effort and time. What if we get shoved and we crash? What if we get shoved and end up being forced to look for or assume another path? Its a difficult life we live in, and sometimes I wonder if I was even on the right path to begin with.
I'm at a crossroads, perhaps I should consider the road less traveled...

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