Friday, 23 September 2011

Of seawater and a long drive

Well tomorrow's going to be eventful...or rather in about 6 hours, when work officially resumes. Its a weekend getaway for the company, and there's much preparation as there has been hype, so everyone's gearing up and raring to go. Some are on half day leave, while many others will leave a few hours before 5.30pm. A 3-4 hour drive awaits, depending on what numbers one's speedometer needle fancies or how heavy one's right foot is. Friday will be chilled out, with drinking sessions planned as soon as all arrive. Saturday will be packed with team-building games and activities, but I, along with 12 others are hitting the golf course for what is called the company's Annual Golf Challenge. Everyone's rooting for me to win for some reason, but I'm sure others have an equal opportunity to come out on top. Funny enough, golf was never on the agenda. We (the other golfers and I) thought, "Hey, lets mingle. Golf will just take too many hours." After seeing what was in store for us earlier in the week when the weekend itinerary was "leaked", any plans for mingling was history. I'm sure many wouldn't want to collect seawater with their hands to fill up a bottles. Or run around in a gunny sack. But I'm sure some may think otherwise. And of course there's going to be food and lots of them. And a thematic dinner. And finally free flow of you know what all Saturday night long.
So off we go on a weekend company trip with buses, food and games galore. Don't tell anyone, but I actually think it'll be fun.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The right path...

Its a difficult world we live in, with many uncertainties and what ifs to consider. Its easier living the moment and not trying to forecast the future, but fortune-telling happens to the best of us, even for those steadfast carpe diem-type individuals. There will always be experiences or situations or scenarios which will question our beliefs, our principals, or even our sheer determination. Most of the time its just a small nudge, and we may get pushed off path but in no time we're back on track and raring to go again. But sometimes we get shoved off track and getting back on the initial path takes considerable effort and time. What if we get shoved and we crash? What if we get shoved and end up being forced to look for or assume another path? Its a difficult life we live in, and sometimes I wonder if I was even on the right path to begin with.
I'm at a crossroads, perhaps I should consider the road less traveled...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Word of mouth

Today, I witnessed first hand how the power of word-of-mouth has currently made Chatime, a Taiwanese-origin tea chain one of the hottest names in the Malaysian F&B industry. As I stood in the queue (at the Gardens branch) awaiting my turn to place my order, I watched as the number of people queuing increased in a matter of minutes. It didn't help that I was making 12 orders, which somewhat held up the line. As I waited for my order while it was being prepared, a small crowd gathered, at least 15-20 people, all waiting for their respective orders. I looked around and saw some saunter into queue while others hurried to get a few spots ahead, almost afraid that the tea will run out. For those waiting, some waited while chatting with a friend or two. A few seemed anxious - waiting impatiently to get their hands what their hearts desire. People, mostly adults, had the gleam in their eyes, like a child waiting excitedly for the new toy daddy is about to hand him.10 minutes later, as I collected my order, the waiting crowd had grown larger and the queue longer. It reminds me of the time when Big Apple Donuts came to town. Queues were lined zig-zag and it took 30 minutes to place an order. Nowadays, the queues aren't as long. Hence, I think this is just a phase and in no time people will realise that although Chatime is good, it is not great. Perhaps I'm just not buying the hype, or it has been hyped up excessively that I expected an out of this world experience, only to be disappointed. But hey, the constant mentioning of Chatime by my colleagues eventually compelled me to try it, so recommendations/ testimonials/ word-of-mouth are arguably some of the best means of marketing. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

A slow day

I have nothing to say - such was my day today. Uneventful, mundane...definitely not as productive as I would have wanted it to be. I might as well hit the sack soon. Wait! I know, I'll job hunt. Who knows; maybe I'll find something that would tickle my fancy...

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Back-to-work blues

I don't want to sound like a broken record here, but I acknowledge the fact that I write quite a bit about work and work-related matters. But I can't help it. Much of my life revolves around work, considering I work, on average, 12-hour days and sometimes over the weekends. The past 2 months or so since my last post has been hectic, and it wasn't until 7 days ago that my girlfriend (who, for the record, also works her butt off) and I took a long-awaited and much-needed time off from our daily routines and the hustle and bustle of city life. 

We "disappeared" to a quaint and private boutique resort on Tioman Island, located off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. We spent 4 days/3 nights at the resort and practically did nothing. The exclusivity of the resort helped us with our need for rest, relaxation and most importantly privacy. Our vacation coincided with a 3-day festive holiday which allowed us to take the whole week off.

7 days later, the vacation's over and its back to the daily grind. Normalcy resumes and I am dreading going back to work tomorrow. I guess its common to have such 'withdrawal symptoms' after such an awesome chilled out vacation. I'm sure many are feeling the back-to-work blues today. My only consolation is I know I'm not alone...