Sunday, 12 October 2014

Calling it quits

When do you realise there's not much that can be done anymore? When do you realise that trying does more harm than good?

I've always believed that no one is to be blamed when a relationship fails. Or that both are to be blamed. It always takes two to tango, so how can one party shoulder more or less of the blame? To me, the best approach is not to see what the other didn't do or did little of, but what we could have done better.

But what if we can't see how we could have done any better? What if we've done all we possibly could? Is there even such a thing as doing/giving it all?

When do you finally call it quits? When all hope, joy and happiness run out. Perhaps.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

One and Only

March, that's when my last post was. It still amazes me how fast time get caught up with something or someone else, and in a blink of an eye, 7 months go by. I've not really had the time to be my introspective self, but here I am now, at 6.43 a.m., trying to pen down my first post in 7 damn months.

Work got in the way. I started a new job and once again life turned into the all-too-familiar daily grind. Not that my job is a daily grind, but I guess you catch my drift. Just that the daily routine is back. I'm just lucky I don't have a job that's too rigid.

I really don't have a point to this post, hence the name and the point of having this so-called blog. To ramble away when I feel the need to say something.

I actually woke up with these words in my head, "You've been on my mind", and quickly recalled Adele had an amazing song which starts with the exact words.

The video below is a reminder of that song, One and Only.