Options aplenty. But I could only pick one and make it count. I had to trust my instincts, what I've learnt from years of experience, and make a decision.
The lesson: Observe. Reflect. Execute.
It all started in January 2005. Fast forward eight years, on 30 April 2013, I said goodbye to my banking career.
While it was almost always enriching and enthralling, there were many occasions when it was just plain tiring and frustrating. Ultimately, as my old man would say, all good things must come to an end. At this point, I'll be taking a break - not a long one - but a much needed respite nonetheless.
It was a while back when I decided that my career would take on a different path in the future, and that time has now come. After careful and thorough deliberation, I have decided that something different is what I need to hopefully propel me to the next level. I do admit though, I'm somewhat nervous and the fact that it may not work out as anticipated, is indeed daunting.
So here I am, back at the drawing board, putting together the final pieces to what may potentially be the puzzle of my life.