On the job front, I can't really complain. I'm working with seniors I've successfully worked with in the past and juniors who exhibit competence, enthusiasm and drive. My salary's up by a decent percentage and my office location is a whole lot closer to home. Most importantly, I'm allowed to be entrepreneurial and creative, something I never had at my previous employments. One month gone, and its looking good thus far.
On a personal level, this is where I think there is much room for improvement. Firstly, I need to get my fitness back. This involves losing my love handles, beer belly and double chin. How will I achieve such a feat is beyond my imagination. But when push comes to shove, "miracles" happen. Nonetheless, I hope to be lighter and fitter without much "pushing" and certainly free from any "shoving". Besides, constant looking in the mirror is all the motivation (reminders) I need to get cracking.

Here's to a make-or-break 2011...